The Spore Creature Creator is as hilarious as everyone says it is. Barb and I are going to buy the full version because its ssssoooo goofy. I am sure everyone has heard about the dickmonsters, roaming the universe. Basically Maxis (EA) is using this to seed the universe with Spore creatures. During game play in the full version of Spore your creature will be able to go out and conquer planets, the inhabitants of which will be pulled from other peoples creations upload to the interwebz. One of the concerns is you will get stuck with bunches of dickmonsters in your game. I think the Ctrl Alt Del guy had the right attitude about it.
Needless to say though this game is hilariously fun, and when I get paid I am buying the full version which is only $10.
Barb and I are having fun just with the basic game which only lets you have the basic of each slot. So we have a set of “wings” but only one style. This doesn’t matter because you can change just about every facet of the creature. So far, we haven’t been able to make wheels out of the body parts but that has been our only limitation.
If you want to kill two hours I highly suggest downloading it, its free, its fun, and you can share your creatures. I heard a rumor that you will be able to pull stats from how your creature is doing in the universe from the Spore site. Different body parts add stats… I made a crocodily thingy with grass on its back so its all sneaky. See for yourself I guess…